Donations that make a difference

Thanks to donations from Fiera Private Debt, three organizations were able to purchase materials for several families, women and children to meet specific needs during the holiday season and beyond.

The West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre in Toronto donated over 200 goodie bags to children and several electronic tablets to families. The Centre provides social, recreational, educational and support programs and services for children, youth, families and seniors. Most programs are neighbourhood based and preventive in nature.

The donation enabled Maison L’Esther located in Laval to purchase several air purifiers, office chairs, electronic tablets for women and children as well as a game console for the latter. The mission of the shelter is to offer safety and support to women and children who are victims of domestic violence. They provide free services to the people of Laval and to the population of greater Montreal.

The Société de l’autisme des Laurentides in Blainville purchased a wide range of items for both adult and youth participants. This organization provides support to individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. They aim to develop and/or encourage the development of respite and leisure services for these people.